Morena Mom

Learning the ropes of motherhood in the millennial era.

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#TibayAtStyle from Aeroblu Sandals

#TibayAtStyle from Aeroblu Sandals

I already shared here in this blog that I am happy to have found #TibayAtStytle without spending so much for footwear.

Aeroblu sandals are a darling! It’s made from Polyurethane a versatile material that we can find in everyday household items and machinery such as thermal insulation, furniture, bedding and seating, gaskets to paint rollers to gel pads, watch straps and more! No wonder my mom’s pairs were couple of years old now but still intact and looking great. That being said, it has been my great feet buddy when I was with extra pounds during pregnancy. It’s quite a given that an expectant mom’s sole wants comfortable item, and, Aeroblu sandals is comfort! Best of all, buying one won’t leave a dent on our wallets. Definitely, it can help you with your Christmas list just like what it did with mine. 😉

Sharing with you the reviews of mostly moms like myself who also feel that this step-ins are great:




Did I mention it’s perfect for rainy & sunny weather of PH yet?


So, thinking of a good gift for your loved ones this Christmas especially your moms, ates, wife and kumares? Why not wrap an Aeroblu sandals? It’s an ideal gift because it’s comfortable, affordable and stylish.

Available in major Supermarkets, established footwear retailers, Lazada and Shopee.

Get yours now!



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