Morena Mom

Learning the ropes of motherhood in the millennial era.

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Why do I believe in Insurance?

Since day one of being a working professional, a realization came to me: Tomorrow is never promised and death is inevitable. It scared my whole system. Pictures of people who met accident flashed in my head, their faces and limbs covered with blood, those were what’s constantly in my thoughts no matter how I busy my self with work. Maybe because I travel from home to work and work to home then, everyday, that’s why. I was somewhat the head of the family during those times. It was my father and me who were helping each other to provide for the studies of my siblings and also for our everyday needs. With a little support from our relatives in the USA, it helped our finances.

I envisioned my mother and my 3 siblings if my father and me were taken away of the picture—unable and unprepared. Maybe they will stop schooling. They’ll help Mama to augment their needs, doing any job that they can. They might apply as a dishwasher at some place, washing dishes all day. Reminiscing those days that they were still studying while washing mountains of used plates, glasses and utensils. They’ll lose the chance for a greater future. Something I cannot afford to happen.

Insurance I know is a bit pricey and really an additional expense for a starting professional like me then. On top of the fact that I am co-supporting a family on the side. In short I cannot afford it.

Fast forward, I got married. I stopped working since I got pregnant with Elijah. I cannot keep up with work back then maybe because of several overwhelming changes in my body. Sleeping during the day (I was on the graveyard shift) became a struggle which made the situation even worst. I remember spending most of my should-be working hours at the company clinic due to the dizziness that I experienced. That’s when I decided to give up on my work. My husband was blessed with a good-paying job. He could help his family and support our child and me all at the same time. God is really generous that we still have some money left for other stuff. That’s when I remembered, why not avail of an insurance?

We almost signed for an insurance policy to an agent. That same guy who offered us our internet service. He was 40ish, with whom I haven’t felt even a slightest note of customer service with. I asked him a few questions regarding insurance and I was quite disappointed that he didn’t satisfy my whys. Queries like what if we can’t sustain paying, what will happen to the insurance plan? Of course it was a hard-earned money that we will put in, I think probing is just normal.

The following day he knocked on our door to hand me an insurance proposal. I reviewed the proposal. I got a significant problem though, I didn’t understand the figures. I tried reading those written in tiny fonts, hoping that those were explanations, but no. That’s how it goes with books, right? I think footnotes are what they’re called.

I didn’t see it coming that I’d understand insurance in a very detailed manner. A mommy posted a job on an FB community dedicated for mommies. It promised some perks. But what struck me the most was the “EARNING YET YOU CAN STILL BE WITH YOUR FAMILY ANYTIME”. I sent an email to the e-mail address she provided. I asked whether it is a networking or not and attached my CV. It really sounded like networking to me.

Days after, I received a phone call asking if I could make it to a career orientation the following day. So, I agreed to come. I was interested in what it could offer. During that orientation, introduction to insurance was discussed. How can help families especially if you are the breadwinner. I was also surprised that while being insured part of your money is being invested that will cause you profits at the same time. This is what I need, I told myself. An answered prayer, indeed.

That’s when I decided to become a licensed Financial Advisor. It was the desire to understand those figures that motivated me to be one. I wanted to be able to discuss with my husband the nitty gritty of the policy that we’ll sign. I wanted to help my siblings who were earning now and those that will have a job soon. I wanted all of them to be aware of the importance and advantages of insurance. How crucial it is to save. Not just them but every relative that I have, friends and whoever. I wanted to share the new knowledge that I acquired.

But then, I failed to realize how demanding that job could be. I cannot compromise my child. I have to set appointments and have at least a case count at the end of the week to hit my target. I don’t have a Yaya. My husband and me have a mutual decision to not hire one because of so many things. I wanted to be with him and witness his growing years. It’s just once that he will be 1, 2, 3 years old. Career can wait. At least I gained new knowledge, for now that’s good enough for me. So much of this on my next blog post. So, that’s why I have confidence in insurance I realized my/our need for it. I understood its importance and benefits. It will help us address the ifs in the middle of LIFE.

Indeed life has “IF” in the middle. It is good to be prepared. We are not certain if we will die too soon or we will live too long. Either way, have you considered how your dependents would be if that happened?

Say like me back then, you are the breadwinner, is your income protected? Will your mother or wife still be able to send your kids to school? I mean, without a lifestyle change or anyone not being able to finish college.

According to Dr. Jeanette Tucker, a Family Economist, “Education is valuable throughout your life, and the achievements you make today can determine the salaries you earn over a lifetime”.

I think a lot of people can relate (maybe) when I say it is challenging to save. Usually, we deduct expenses from our earnings and that will be for our savings. That’s the wrong way to save. It should be earnings minus savings equals expenses. We set aside a portion of our money and from there we’ll live within our means. Stretch what is left. DISCIPLINE. It is what we need to save. It can help us ensure a better and planned retirement. Because if we live too long, we don’t want to be a burden to anyone. Or you don’t want to still be working during old age. You just want to sit back and enjoy life. Travel maybe. Enjoy. Handle your medical expenses stress-free, because you have prepared. You don’t have to depend on anyone. Isn’t that great? Also, don’t you want to have the money for the things you wanted to do that you now have the time to do?

Prepare for your future. The best time to save is now. And it was yesterday when you should have started investing.

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