Morena Mom

Learning the ropes of motherhood in the millennial era.

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The Birth of My Child: How Unprepared I was with Breastfeeding

I was 25 years old when I gave birth to our Elijah Rafael. I thought I was prepared enough. Emotionally, yes. I was very much excited and really looking forward to caressing him, raising him and all that. That was what I thought. No wonder it didn’t bother me when I saw “feeding bottle” and “any formula milk” on the list of what I should bring on the day of delivery.


First off, I got a poor foundation on breastfeeding. I don’t blame my Mom for not knowing much about it. Oh, when I was still in college, it disgusted me a lot whenever I saw a mother nursing her child in public, especially on a PUV. I got this thought that it is a social status. Yes, as uninformed and uneducated that I was about it, I thought a mother nurses her baby because she doesn’t have the money to buy a formula milk. Also, I truly believed that those milk has this ability to make a child become genius. I should have known that a mom’s liquid gold is one of the great things if not the best she can offer her child. I should have researched enough. With that, I might discovered that there were tons of free seminars out there regarding it. Hospitals were very generous in providing talks and information about this.

If not for my best friend, I would not discover that there are Facebook groups which provides support for lactating Moms. That’s how the journey started. I struggled. I fell into the top up trap*. My son was 8 month-old when I asked for help from Nanay Ynez Fernandez of Arugaan, she’s an IBCLC (I’ll talk more of this in my next blog post). Since that day I vow to nurse Elijah as long as he likes. Yes. Why? Because extended breastfeeding has great benefits too, at least according to recent scientific studies.

And just so at least I could return the favor, whenever a friend or a relative or just somebody that I know is expecting, I see to it that I at least provided a background on how fulfilling yet partical option it is. I even told them to the join the FB group Breastfeeding Pinays so that they’ll be provided with the information and support I too experienced.

Below were the 21 dangers of giving your child a formula milk:


Photo grabbed from Breasfeeding Pinays FB group

*The Top Up Trap: The more you mix feed, the less milk your body will produce. Every ounce of formula you give is one ounce that you told your body not to produce. Do not fall into the Top Up Trap!


Photo grabbed from Breasfeeding Pinays FB group

I believe all first time Moms should be aware of what really is the size and volume of a newborn’s stomach. I remember how my determination was shaked by “Your milk is not enough because your baby is too lean” said my Mom’s friend. The confidence which I’m trying to build goes down the drain. Please don’t allow that to happen to you. I cannot overemphasize this:  IT IS BEST TO ATTEND SEMINARS, YOU’LL LEARN A LOT FROM IT.


Photo grabbed from Breasfeeding Pinays FB group

You can also check L.A.T.C.H. it is where I the free seminar Paulo and I attended at The Medical City.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that, be prepared enough in terms of breastfeeding because it is the greatest thing we can give our child. Arm yourself with knowledge about it because it is not an easy thing to do but it is worth it.

Disclaimer: What I have discussed here is very limited. Please research about breastfeeding further.

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2 thoughts on “The Birth of My Child: How Unprepared I was with Breastfeeding

  1. This is very informative and eye-opening. New moms should read this. How do we dhare this on Facebook?

    1. Hi, Jen!

      Thank you for reading my blog. On each blog post there is a “Share” section on the bottom part. Please share away.

      Morena Mom

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