Morena Mom

Learning the ropes of motherhood in the millennial era.

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Do You Also Believe That Love Is Action?

Do You Also Believe That Love Is Action?
I can tell you a whole lot about being a mother, with my experience so far. I am not a pro on this nor am I the one you should look for to seek advice. But one thing I figured about motherhood is, it is overwhelming yet very fulfilling. Talk about waking up early in the morning to prepare breakfast so that the husband will be extra happier heading to work and the kids will have something to eat when they wake up. Or clean the bathroom which you originally planned in doing a week ago. Hang the last batch of clothes from yesterday but unfortunately your little one got all clingy and the list goes on but hey I could not feel any happier and fulfilled.

I don’t complain. I won’t complain as I have a wonderful husband. He is a great provider and overly understanding. Every time he goes back from work to a messy house–toys and books on the floor– he smiles and understands. Oh I love him so so much. Come weekends, he has no work. More often than not I will wake up to a husband busy doing the dishes or washing the dirty electric fans, scrubbing the bathroom walls while the washing machine is in full swing with the laundry.


You see, for some reason he perhaps know my love language. He becomes more attractive to my eyes. It makes me look forward to weekends. He knows how to make my day with this gestures he’s doing.

And we know how action speaks louder than words, yes? I am all happy because he is indirectly influencing our little guy. It melts my heart how his little sidekick would say “Mommy, daddy loves you that’s why he washes the dishes for you. Or; Mommy I am helping daddy in cleaning these electric fans because we love you.” while smiling from ear to ear. In a way, also, I can sense that he finds his purpose when participating in household chores. And above all, I love the thought that somehow he gets the picture of how a husband should treat his wife. He can be any one someday, priest maybe or a daddy, too, who knows?

So yes, consolations like this make my motherhood journey way easier. I love how my husband offers “extra hands” on occasions he can, especially during weekends although he is also tired with he’s job the whole week.

On the other hand, this deserves to be mentioned. Observed that we are using Bubble Man in our household? I started using this brand when I noticed that it was sold as bundle in my suking grocery store for less than 150 pesos. As expected, the sucker-for-affordable-stuff was excited to try it. Since then, this has been our brand for dish washing liquid (but to our family it is an all-around cleaning liquid; we use it to wash our car, wash the electric fans aside from using it as a dish washing liquid). I love the savings. Hahaha Affordable yet it as effective as other brands available.

How about you, what’s your #LoveIsAction story?

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