Morena Mom

Learning the ropes of motherhood in the millennial era.

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Morena Mom’s Cloth Diapering Story

When I gave birth to Elijah, I was adamant to not use cloth diapers (CD) ever. The thoughts of using it is just inconvenient for me. I can see breastfeeding Moms who are into it and I totally cannot relate. All because I was uneducated about its advantages and benefits. Until one day, I saw a CD in the flesh when I chanced upon the cutest 3-month old boy Singkit. I fell inlove with the print of the diaper that’s on him. As I mentioned on my post about my breastfeeding journey, I met Jiyuu (Baby Singkit) and his Mom during our Arugaan visit.

Being that I don’t know why a mother should use a CD, I asked Mommy Almondz why she was CDing her baby boy. Amongst the reasons she mentioned, “economical” is what made my frugal meter beeped. So I got interested. She told me to join the FB page Modern Cloth Nappying Pinays aka MCNP to see the expense comparison of using disposable diapers vs. CDs.

I joined the group and was suprised with advantages in using cloth diapers to our little ones. Very informative. I learned that in a way, we’re helping to save Mother Earth too (How come I didn’t realize that early?). Not only that, I was also amazed to know that CDs has resell value.

Brands. Wow there were tons of cloth diaper brands! But Alva dominates our stash for Elijah. I tried scoring a Cottonytail (CT) but to no avail. I cannot cart even one during stockings. It was ALWAYS sold out. Sad. I’m still hoping that I can score one whenever baby number 2 comes along. For now, I want to learn the technique how to be fast in scoring CT. I still hope for a unicorn nappy. Yes, CT is my unicorn nappy*.

Elijah’s diapers:




Elijah used this CD when we join the Great Cloth Diaper Change
And this gourgeous CD from Myook Butts is my raffle prize during the Great ClothDiaper Change

My struggle when I first I used these diapers was washing. The eww feel. But you’ll get the hang of it like me and everybody else. This is what all of the CDing Moms I know always say and it is so true: pre-rinse the poopy diaper if your time cannot afford to wash it at the moment. Doing so will prevent it from staining. For more tips and valuable information regarding this, I encourage you parents to join the MCNP FB page.

Ultra-thin Bamboo Inserts

It helps to use charcoal inserts since it is highly porous, making it highly effective for moisture removal and humidification.

Charcoal Bamboo Inserts


I realized you can really save when using CDs. I also love that I am helping to save Mother Earth one nappy at a time. But I have to be honest, I am not an ECD Mom. I cannot manage to exclusively cloth diaper Elijah especially now that his poop smells pungently odd. Imagine attending events with your little guy and you’ll change his diaper, after, you have to put the soiled CD and bring home. Yes, zip locks exist. I tried, the odor escapes it unfortunately making my bag smelled yucky. So, please don’t judge other moms if they can’t ECD. You are lucky you can. Maybe different parents, different parenting choices.


Happy CDing!

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